Monday, May 5, 2008


...was awesome. I'm not a big fan of California in general, but if someone offered to sell me a big bottle of Cali weather I would say, "Yes, please." The show at the House of Blues with Stephanie Smith was quite awesome. The house was packed. The lights were low. The booze ran freely like a bacchanalian revel. I quietly sipped my vintage bottle of Arrowhead water c. 2008. Steph turned to me, her own bottle of water in hand, and said, "I feel like we're the mathletes at the cool kids party." The show itself was fantastic.

We spent one luxurious morning on a secluded beach in a cove in Laguna. The stretch of sand was maybe 100 yards across. Besides the six in our traveling party, there were maybe ten other people. It was mah-velous. I was sitting there slow-roasting my feet (something I discovered later) when someone spotted a pod of wild dolphins just off the shore, dipping and diving in the surf. Magical.

I finished my new song and I will play it at my next show. I'm already working on another.