Friday, August 22, 2008

Weekly Friday posts

I am going to start posting weekly Friday posts. Why? So you can be updated on the goings on of my music world...and because I enjoy writing and I'd like to challenge myself a little. I am not only challenging myself to weekly blogging...I am also challenging myself to weekly songwriting as well. This week I read a paraphrased article from a Ryan Adams interview. Ryan said that songwriters who don't dedicate consistent time to songwriting aren't songwriters at all...furthermore they are lazy. Ouch. That kinda hit home...just a tad...and tore out my heart and stomped on it. I am not a prolific writer and that is because I am lazy and easily frustrated. My boyfriend challenged me to write a song a week this month and stick with it...even if I don't like the song. a good girlfriend, I accepted his challenge and I've been writing a song this week. I started out hating it...on a normal day that would have been grounds for dismissal. But this is a new week so I let it play out...and now I'm really loving it. It's very different form anything I've ever written.

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